in&out my hovel

The past year has been wild. I found my dream house and moved into it. Starting to clear away land to build a growing dome for food production, settling in to the sleepy little town I've found myself choosing as the place to spend the rest of my life. It's quaint and idyllic here, the kind of place that's a close community without being exclusive or unwelcoming. I found my place here, and I'm quite content with it.

Part of this has meant spending a lot of time adjusting to homeownership and less time tinkering with projects on the bench, though the past month or so has presented a gradual shift to the latter. As winter approaches, I find myself subconsciously preparing for days with less sky and more screen. While the earth tucks itself into her deep slumber, I'll be spending my time honing contraptions and creating things that make me smile.

Looking over this site, there are some updates I should probably make. Not so much out of obligation, but more to keep myself occupied and continuing to make the things I want to see in the world. I've abandoned my feelings of guilt over being "not productive" just because I'm not constantly publishing or hitting milestones on the things I do. It occurred to me that I can just do what I want to, when I want to, and tinkering doesn't have to be some kind of surrogate hustle. Read more…

What We Lost In The Move

When I was a young'un, there was a record store near my high school that had a bargain bin of $1 CDs. This was in the mid-nineties, before records gained their retro charm and Vinyl Guys hadn't begun their full onslaught into the pop culture consciousness. Blank cassettes were still available at the corner store, and trading mix tapes remained the best way for us to Express Ourselves and our never-before-felt feelings. But if you wanted it fresh and piping hot from the studios, CDs were the most plentiful and preferred option. Read more…

100 Days to Offload

Consistently posting bloviations is often difficult to keep up. So many blogs that are empty shells of good intentions that fade out in a lack of follow-through. This happens with all kinds of things, like monthly challenges (yeah sure I'll make a song every day for a month) or wild art projects. So, of course, I'll try yet another one: it's called 100 Days To Offload. Read more…

Blog Trope #4,976,231

And so it arrived. The "Oh Jeez I Haven't Posted In Awhile" post. A timeless antiquity, a relic as ancient as the blagotubes themselves. Many a starved blog has made this death knell: abandoned project pages with the best of intentions that were smothered by, one can only assume, Life. Read more…

Frustration, Thy Name is Nokia

Oh, Nokia. You manxome foe. You jellicle gigolo. You infinite tease of wondrous things, so close and yet so far from slaking my thirst for a handset rebirth. I wish I could quit you, yet I keep coming back to be disappointed. Read more…